A large tanker at a breakwater made with armourstones

Armourstone Users Group meeting

This unique annual meeting facilitates the exchange of news and views about the use of armourstone for coastal defences and breakwaters in the UK and around the world.

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Delegates will receive useful technical updates, along with plenty of time for discussion and networking. It also provides an opportunity for younger professionals to understand the armourstone industry, to understand real projects and to see examples of supply, delivery and construction techniques. 

The meeting has proved to be of interest to all practitioners in the field including those involved in the supply, specification and use of armourstone. It is a unique opportunity for the meeting of quarry operators, shipping companies, contractors, designers and end-user authorities.

Young Professionals Award

Young engineering professionals and other professionals with less than 10 years post-graduate experience are invited to submit short written papers describing some aspect of an armourstone project with which they have been involved, whether in concept development, detailed design or construction. Successful candidates will be asked to present their papers at the meeting where the winner will be decided.


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