Our world-class staff contribute to key research publications in all our fields of expertise.
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This book concentrates on the risks that occur during coastal construction and on the mitigation measures that can be embraced to control or reduce the impact of these risks.
Assisting in identifying and managing risks in works design and construction, this book offers guidance in risk assessment and management techniques, along with the identification of typical risk issues.
This guidance document was produced to cover best practice in safety management of coastal and maritime design and construction work.
This manual has been developed to bring earlier publications up to date and has been given a broader scope that increases the focus on environmental and sustainability concerns.
This manual includes the latest information on state-of-art methods, guidance on beach monitoring and maintenance, evaluation of the state and performance of a beach, design, procurement, execution and the after-care of beach improvement schemes.
The 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion was organised by HR Wallingford and took place in Oxford, UK from 12-15 September 2016.
HR Wallingford organised Protections 2018, the 3rd International Conference on Protection against Overtopping.
This book provides a completely new perspective on dredging: it is innovative, it draws together the latest thinking and best practice. It shows that dredging projects can really provide benefits to the environment, as well as meeting their functional objectives.