DAMSAT - Intelligent dam safety monitoring
DAMSAT harnesses satellite technology to remotely monitor water and tailings dams. The system helps to reduce the risk of failure of these structures and the consequent risk to population and damage to ecosystems downstream upon which many vulnerable communities rely for both their source of water and livelihoods.
The challenge
Dam safety is rightly a priority for owners, the public and for governments. Catastrophic failures can devastate communities downstream of a dam, causing loss of life and long term damage to the ecosystems people rely on for their water and their livelihoods.
To reduce the risk of these structures failing, and to reduce the consequent risk to the population, dams need to be continuously monitored using routine inspections and safety reviews.
HR Wallingford’s DAMSAT system uses satellite technology to remotely monitor water and tailings dams and other tailings storage facilities. DAMSAT provides regular, accurate intelligence to support remote monitoring of water and tailings dams. DAMSAT is a “one stop” solution, and we tailor it to the needs of our end users.
DAMSAT is a one stop solution for water and tailings dam safety.
Comprehensive dam safety intelligence
Monitor the present
- Receive warnings when abnormal behaviour such as movement, potential leakages or severe weather conditions occur.
Analyse the past
- Compare current and past satellite images to detect changes on site; analyse historical evidence, such as weather and rainfall records, to identify the causes.
Predict the future
- Forecast the impact of heavy rainfall, and assess the impact of failure downstream of the dam.
For more information on how DAMSAT work and for examples, visit damsat.com.
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