Gas Modelling with HR Wallingford (from master planning to real time and forecasting simulations)
This on-demand webinar provides an overview of HR Wallingford’s gas network modelling portfolio. Participants can find out how this set of tools can help them to become more efficient in their daily works when gas distribution models are applied.
Starting from traditional desktop software applications for master planning, all the way to Digital Twins/Real time and forecast web operational models, our range of tools cover all the needs of expert-professional modellers and engineers but extends as well to support those with no modelling background (such as network operators, SCADA managers, maintenance and operations teams, decision makers) that can benefit enormously with the outcomes those models can generate when set up in a web environment.
This on-demand webinar covers:
- Introduction
- About HR Wallingford
- Gas modelling software portfolio overview
- ProBe Gas Software demo
- Desktop application for gas distribution modelling
- For professional network modellers
- Sim-On Gas Design demo
- Web application
- Non modelling experience required (extremely easy to use).
- Centralised hub to approve and store small/simple to-be-constructed projects
- Sim-On Gas Operations demo
- Web application
- Non modelling experience required (extremely easy to use).
- Digital twin connecting your model to SCADA data (existing, future and what if scenarios)
For more information on our software portfolio for gas distribution networks please visit
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