Understanding how water moves, behaves and influences communities and industries across the globe.
Water is becoming scarcer in many places and increasingly volatile in others. Building sustainable communities, industries and infrastructure is becoming more challenging. Our wide range of projects highlights our innovation, our creativity, and our focus on finding solutions that rise to that challenge and positively impact our clients and the communities they serve.
Explore our projects
Greening coastal infrastructure
We are leading the development of new CIRIA guidance to explore how typical hard engineered coastal assets can be adapted to boost biodiversity and enhance ecosystems in the marine environment. Greening coastal infrastructure through eco-engineering aims to show the value and impact of eco
Nature-based solutions in the Caribbean
The Caribbean region is exposed to major risks from extreme weather: hurricanes, storm surges and floods. These risks are exacerbated by climate change, which affects the intensity, unpredictability and frequency of these events.
Investigating sand-gravel beach morphodynamics to help protect coastlines
We’re conducting research to better understand how the varying mixtures of sand and gravel on a beach influences natural coastal protection. Our lab tests will be used to assess and improve the ability of beach morphodynamic models to predict how mixed sand-gravel beaches respond to stormy
Aberdeen South Harbour: a project of national significance
After seven years of masterplanning, design and consultation and six years of construction, Aberdeen Harbour Board completed its £420 million flagship port expansion project in summer 2023. We supported Aberdeen at every stage of development of South Harbour.
London Gateway Port
London Gateway Port is the UK’s first twenty-first century major deep-sea container port and Europe’s largest logistics park. HR Wallingford has been involved in the design and planning of London Gateway Port since 2002, and for over five years we have acted as DP World’s lead technical advisor for
Thames Tideway Tunnel: a super sewer for London
The Thames Tideway Tunnel project will bring London’s sewers into the 21st century, and stop tens of millions of tonnes of untreated sewage flowing into the Thames each year. We helped the Tideway Tunnel team to protect the river environment during the construction and for the design life of the